Thursday, December 20, 2007

What a downer!

I am halfway through Glass and keep waiting for something remotely positive to occur in this girl's life. How much of this depression is from the rape and how much is the result of her own basic nature? The persona of "Bree" does not appear to have surfaced as a result of the drugs, but as a result of some deeply submerged aspect of her true self.

Well, I will keep reading.
Ms. Thomas

1 comment:

thetechdog said...

I picked up a copy and read it over the winter break. Not uplifting reading but a must read with insight into a life few of us will see - thank God. Bree is locked into a downward spiral that just keeps getting worse (can it get much worse?). For anyone who thinks he/she's invulnerable ("I can quit anytime." "It won't do that to me."), read this book before jumping in... please!!!