Friday, April 10, 2009

Oscar Penaranda's visit

Oscar's visit was a huge success. Not only is Oscar entertaining and witty but he also conveyed to the students a very positive message about reading and writing.

Oscar shared many of his life experiences that “provide him with a deep respect for the first generations of Pinoys who paved the path before him.”

Oscar shared memories of his childhood growing up in the Philippines, to his abrupt move into adolescence when he moved from the Philippines to San Francisco, to his summers laboring as a farm worker during the UFW strikes, to his summers working in Alaskan canneries.

When asked by a student why he writes, Oscar replied, "I write to plunge you into reality, not take you away from reality."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Author Oscar Penaranda to visit CCHS

Oscar Penaranda, author of several books and recipient of the “Best Fiction of 2004 Citation” from the Global Filipino Literary Awards, as well as the 2005 Best Fiction award by the Philippine American Writers and Artists, is scheduled to visit CCHS on Thursday, April 9th.

Ms. Reyes has been preparing her 2nd period Life Skills class, as well as her 3rd and 4th period Ethnic Studies classes, for Mr. Penaranda’s visit by reading excerpts from his book “Seasons by the Bay.”

CCHS is looking forward to Oscar’s visit.