On February 10th CCHS was presented with the rare opportunity of having two speakers visit the school, each representing two very different yet similar experiences.
Reynaldo Berrios, reformed gangbanger and author of Cholo Style, gave a presentation to a group of students on the counterproductive and self-defeating elements of gang violence. Reynaldo also had lunch with a group of students who participated in the Cholo Style reading circle. Reynaldo and the students engaged in a lively discussion about the many ways to avoid gang violence and focus on self-empowerment and leadership.
Carl Wilkins, the last American to leave Rwanda during the 1994 genocide also visited CCHS on February 10th. In a school-wide assembly, Mr. Wilkins described the horrors of being in Rwanda when an estimated 800,000 members of the country’s Tutsi minority and thousands of moderate members of the Hutu majority were systematically murdered by extremist Hutu militias from early April to mid July in 1994.